Carnival is at the height of the season, so it’s a good time to publish the first post in 2024!
Samba is not only popular dance from Brasil and music instrument, but also a unix service.
Typically in a home LAN, you need some interoperability between your linux and windows machines. For instance file sharing between home server and personal computers of the family members. And one of the simplest solutions for that on Linux is… Yes, you nailed it, Samba!
Samba, according to its manual, is a collection of programs that implements Sever Message Block (SMB) protocol also known as Common Internet File System (CIFS).
In this post I will quickly guide you through Samba suite installation and configuration on Ubuntu.

Install samba Link to heading
First, let’s install Samba suite.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install samba
Edit config Link to heading
Before start sharing any files, you may want to explore config options and tweak the service. Then restart Samaba daemon.
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
sudo service smbd restart
Configure samba account for yourself Link to heading
You need to set a separate samba password associated with your linux user. It can be (and even should be) different from your linux password.
Next, add your linux user to the Samba user group.
sudo smbpasswd -a $USER
sudo usermod -a -G sambashare $USER
Add accounts for others Link to heading
If you want to share files with others, configure accounts also for them.
They doesn’t use linux and doesn’t have own linux username.
Although, to properly configure permissions for the shares, first we need to have a linux account for each user.
And then set up samba passwords and group for the users simirarly to the previous step.
You can lock unix accounts with passwd
as a security measure.
Let’s say you exchange documents only with your significant other. Here’s the example:
sudo adduser karen -G sambashare
sudo smbpasswd -a karen
sudo passwd -l karen
Configure shares Link to heading
And now the most interesting part. Because of Samba group membership, you can configure shares as a regular user
without sudo. Make sure all users have unix access rights to navigate and read shared files and directories.
It can be easily done by changing group ownership of the files to the sambashare
In the example below only current user (you) may access priv share, while docs are shared with karen. Access is denided for everyone else.
sudo chgrp -R sambashare shares/
net usershare add priv /shares/Documents/priv "My Stuff" $USER:f,everyone:d guest_ok=n
net usershare add docs /shares/Documents/docs "Shared Documents" $USER:f,karen:f,everyone:d guest_ok=n
Here’s a quick explenation of samba ACLs (access control list). Username and access type are joined with colon and the list elements are separated with coma. Access type can be:
for full accessr
for read-onlyd
for denied
Add guest_ok=n to disable guest access. everyone
is a special identifier meaning all samba users.
By default all users have read only access.
Verify users and shares Link to heading
You can check samba users and available shares with following commands.
sudo pdbedit -L -v
net usershare info --long
Configure firewall Link to heading
If you are using ufw and by default you denny all traffic, don’t forget to allow access Samba service from the hosts in your local network.
sudo ufw allow from to any app samba
sudo ufw reload
Other sharing options Link to heading
Samba is not the only one service for file sharing. There are more or less advanced solutions which you can discover, to name the few:
- WebDav
- NextCloud