In my previous article I described how to setup cellurar networking on RaspberryPi with GSM hat. The problem is most often you will not get public IP address from your operator when using cellurar network. It means difficulties to access to your RaspberryPi and it’s network from remote location. On the other hand the device is not exposed to the Internet threats.

In my case I want to use my RPi to control survilance system installed in a holiday cottage. And I need to access RPi from my home in a downtown. To achive that I’m using OpenVPN tunnel over public internet. VPN gives me both secure and easy access to the router.

In this article I will show how to enable VPN connection over cellurar connection configured before. Again, I will give a recipe for NetworkManager and nmcli setup. These tools will manage openvpn client connection for us.

Shield as a part of armor

Virtual Private Networking

OVPN configuration file Link to heading

A prerequisite to configure a VPN connection is to obtain a OpenVPN configuration file. Typicaly you can get one from your OpenVPN server.

In my case I have Asus home router with built-in OpenVPN server. In this article I skip description how to configure OpenVPN server and generate PKI certificates. It depends on your software or equipment.

I will assume that OVPN config file contains server CA and client certificates together with password protected private key.

Importing OpenVPN configuration Link to heading

Make sure you have required OS packages:

sudo apt install network-manager-openvpn

Import your OpenVPN configuration file to NetworkManager:

sudo nmcli connection import type openvpn file rpi.ovpn

Example output:

Connection 'rpi' (24c3311d-c49f-4392-931d-7bd58cf8b4d3) successfully added.

Please note down the ID of your new ‘rpi’ vpn connection. We will use that in the next step.

Additional setup Link to heading

After importing connection, we can tweak several settings.

sudo nmcli connection modify rpi +vpn.user-name rpi
sudo nmcli connection modify rpi +vpn.password-flags 0
sudo nmcli connection modify rpi +vpn.cert-pass-flags 0
sudo nmcli connection modify rpi +vpn.secrets password='VPN_USER_PASSWORD'
sudo nmcli connection modify rpi +vpn.secrets cert-pass='PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD'
sudo nmcli connection modify t-mobile +connection.secondaries 24c3311d-c49f-4392-931d-7bd58cf8b4d3

user-name param is self explenatory, although password-flags and cert-pass-flags require some comments. Normally, in a desktop environment NetworkManager will read passwords from password manager like Gnome keyring. In automated, non-interactive setups it may make more sense to store passwords in NetworkManager connection config. To accomplish that we set the flags to 0. If the above config params doesn’t work, you can edit connection config file directly.

sudoedit /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/rpi.nmconnection

and put these entries



Restart NetworkManager to apply new settings

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

Command with connection.secondaries will set VPN connection as a secondary connection for a GSM connection, which means VPN client connection will be started whenever the GSM connectionn is up.

Web resources Link to heading